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My child refuses to greet others, what should I do?

Child Refuses to Greet Others

Children at times refuse to greet elders or even their friends. Even after repeatedly pestering, ‘they won’t listen. Here’s what we can do to minimize such behavior and make the child an extrovert.

Let’s start by greeting our family members.

The parents can be role models by saying hi/hello/good morning /goodnight/namaste to each other and their family members.

Play games with your child and teach them to greet the toys or say hello to them. Like hello, Elephant, Hi Horse, hi birdy how are you?

Playing games like Peek a boo, encouraging them to speak I spy or hello,” I found you”. “It’s your turn now “raises their confidence bar.

Shake hands with your little one and greet him/her.

Rehearse for a party or social gathering, it stays on the back of their mind and trains them to behave well and greet others.

Encourage the use of thank you, excuse me, sorry and please.

Let your child socialize and make friends so that he/she can open up in presence of others.

These few practices will eventually turn an introverted child into an ambivert.

Stay tuned for more “Food for thought – from Principal’s desk” An initiative to make parenting the most enjoyable part of your life.

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